Versão em Português


The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), a major research organization in the country, released a new report with unprecedented analyzes on experimentation and consumption of alcohol among adolescents in the 9th grade of elementary school (14 to 15 years-old).

Consuming alcoholic beverages right after exercising can directly harm all muscle recovery.

Games involving alcoholic beverages in college settings are dangerous and frequent, a study shows.

Deepening the analysis of the 2019 Brazilian National Health Survey (PNS), a new study investigated alcohol abuse by young people and the factors related to this pattern.


It is a common myth that people who are overweight can drink more. Understand why this is not true.


Research carried out by Ipec showed that there is a lack of knowledge among the interviewees and this affects the prevention of harmful use of alcohol

The term "Chemsex" refers to the use of psychoactive substances before or during sexual activity to facilitate, initiate, prolong and intensify the sexual act.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health published, on September 18, 2023, a new Vigitel* 2023 report, presenting estimates on the frequency and sociodemographic distribution of various risk factors for chronic diseases.

In addition to alcoholism, binge drinking among women may increase the risk of other health problems.

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