The Information Center on Alcohol and Health, a non-governmental organization created in 2004 and qualified as a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest (OSCIP), has become the main source of information on alcohol and health in Brazil.
It is dedicated to the progress of knowledge in the field, by presenting scientific research and data in an accessible way, as well as producing educational materials, and developing projects.
During its 17 years of existence, the center has contributed to the expansion of the debate on health and alcohol, as well as to raising awareness and preventing the harmful use of alcoholic beverages.
Its work, supported and supervised by three different Councils (Executive, Scientific and Fiscal), reaches a diverse audience, ranging from health professionals and researchers to students interested in the relation between alcohol and the body, mind and society.
The center activities are developed through sponsorships and partnerships with companies, universities, and academic and medical entities, independently and without interference.
Some of its supporters are: Institute Compartilhar and Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo (by means of the Work Group on alcohol effects on pregnant women, fetuses, and newborns). AmBev is financial supporter.
The center´s digital collection is composed of national- and internationally renowned scientific publications, official (governmental) statistics, and high quality content from newspapers and magazines. In social media, it has active channels on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
The center´s executive staff work is supported and supervised by three Councils: Deliberative, Scientific, and Fiscal. Their main functions are:
Deliberative Council: debates, monitors and guides the center's goals and social actions. Establishes the fundamental guidelines and general rules of organization, operation and administration.
Scientific Council: analyses and verifies the quality, truthfulness, and origin of the technical information present in the center´s scientific research and educational materials.
Fiscal Council: inspects all actions performed by the center´s management, verifying the regularity of the application of resources, and publishing financial and managerial reports to the General Assembly.
Executive Staff
Arthur Guerra de Andrade, PhD
Psychiatric Doctor. Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo, in the Psychiatry Department at the Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP). Professor of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at ABC Faculty of Medicine. Founder and coordinator of GREA (Interdisciplinary Group of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs), at the Institute of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Coordinator of the Redemption Program, São Paulo City Hall.
Mariana Zanata Thibes, PhD
Sociologist, PhD from University of São Paulo. Visiting scholar at New York University. Post Doctoral degrees in Social Sciences from Catholic University of São Paulo and from Federal University of ABC. Worked as researcher at CEBRAP (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning) and ILANUD (United Nations Institute for Crime Prevention and Young Criminals Treatment) and as research consultant for major Brazilian research companies such as IBOPE and IPSOS. Also worked as data analyst at Google Brazil.
Andréa Pinto Ferreira
Bachelor of Management, technical education on Executive Secretariat. Vast experience in management, finance, and taxes for small- and medium-sized companies. Solid background in all management routines, with focus on controllership.
Marília Alves do Reis, PhD - Senior Researcher
Bachelor of Biomedicine from São Paulo Methodist University (2007). MD and PhD at Federal University of São Paulo´s Department of Psychiatry. Research work on neuroimages at the Interdisciplinary Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory. Worked as image biomedic at the Department of Image Diagnostics of the Federal University of São Paulo.
Felipe Delpino - Senior Researcher
Data Scientist from USP/ESALQ (2024) and Nutritionist (2018) from UFPel, with a Master's degree in Public Health (2020) from the same institution. He holds a PhD in Science from UFPel with a sandwich doctorate at USP, where he used Machine Learning models for health predictions. He has a specialization in Clinical and Sports Nutrition (2019) and in Public Health Nutrition (2020). Post-Doctorate in Machine Learning for predicting deaths among the elderly from UFPel and in Data Analysis from UFRJ. He is the author of around 80 scientific articles, most of which are published in international journals with a relevant impact factor. His focus of study areas include Nutrition, Public and Supplementary Health, Epidemiology and Data Science, Machine Learning, Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Social Determinants of Health.
Olivia Pozollo - Medical Researcher
Psychiatrist from the ABC Medical University. Medical researcher at the Center for Information on Health and Alcohol (CISA). Master's student at the Institute of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (IPQ-FMUSP).
João Victor De Souza Silva
Physiotherapy student at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Current Director of the Pediatric Movement League (LAMP) of the same. Has extensive experience in health education through academic extension projects.
Karina Mosmann
Bachelor of Journalism from São Paulo Methodist University. Specialist in Management of Communicational Processes by University of São Paulo at the Communication and Arts School’s Department of Communication. Over 14 years of experience in communication management for NGOs.
Carla Smith de Vasconcellos Crippa
Bachelor of Law from Catholic University of São Paulo and Bachelor of Economics from University of São Paulo. M.D. in Law from Catholic University of São Paulo. Worked as senior associate at LeFosse Advogados (2002-2013) and as Legal Manager, Sustainability Manager, and Sustainability and Communication Director at AmBev. Since 2020, is Vice-President of Corporate Relations in Brazil, at the same company.
André Franco Montoro Filho
Bachelor of Economics from the University of São Paulo Faculty of Management and Economics, where he has pursued a career as professor since 1966. PhD from Yale University. Vice-Director of the University of São Paulo Faculty of Management and Economics. President of FIPE - Foundation Institute of Research on Economics. All the while, he has attained important positions outside academia: President of ETCO, President of BNDES National Bank for Economic and Social Development, President of “Directive Commission of the National Program for De-Estatization”, São Paulo State Secretary of Economics and Planning, President of Villa-Lobos Park Guiding Council. He is currently President Director of Butantan Foundation. His area of expertise is public sector economics.
Erica Rosanna Siu
Bachelor of Biological Sciences (medical modality) from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) (2003). Master (2006) and PhD (2009) in Science from the Federal University of São Paulo, Department of Pharmacology, with a fellowship period at Rockefeller University, NY, USA. Specialist in Chemical Dependence (2013) from the Group of Interdisciplinary Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (GREA), associated with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. Since 2009 collaborates in research on the use of alcohol and drugs at University of São Paulo Department of Psychiatry. From 2010 to 2016, she was the Pedagogical Coordinator of the course entitled Integration of Competencies at the Performance of Judicial Activity with Drug Users and Dependents (a partnership between University of São Paulo and the National Secretariat for Drug Policies - SENAD). She worked for 12 years at the Information Center on Alcohol and Health, where she ascended from Senior Researcher to Executive Vice-President. She is currently a Researcher at the Nucleus of Psychiatric Epidemiology at Hospital das Clínicas, as well as the CEO of Caliandra Mental Health.
Linamara Rizzo Battistella
Tenured Professor of Physiatry at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine. Publisher of Acta Fisiátrica, she is the creator of the Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Network, with 19 units distributed in the State of São Paulo. Currently, she is the President of the Board of Directors of the Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute and of the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital das Clinicas, Director of the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Rehabilitation, and Co-Coordinator of the WHO/WHO Health-Related Rehabilitation Guidelines Development Group since 2012. She is a member of the Working Group on Medium and Long-Term Manifestations of COVID-19 at WHO/WHO. Coordinator of the Residency Program in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine. Member of the INOVAUSP advisory committee. She is President of the Paulista Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Member of the USA National Academy of Medicine and Expert Advisor to the WHO/WHO Rehabilitation Panel.
Martino Martinelli Filho
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. Director of the Clinical Unit of Artificial Cardiac Stimulation at INCOR (Heart Institute - Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo). President of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Society of Cardiac Arrhythmias - SOBRAC/SBC.
Rodrigo João Pacheco e Silva Moccia
Bachelor of Public Management from Getúlio Vargas Foundation. Specialist in Public Policies from Georgetown University. He has been working at AmBev for over 10 years, managing institutional relations in Brasilia since 2014. Previously, worked in the sustainability area and with the AmBev Program for Responsible Alcohol Consumption.
Rogério Fernando Taffarello
Lawyer. MD in Criminal Law and Criminology from University of São Paulo. Specialist in Criminal Law from Salamanca University. Post-graduation in Economic Criminal Law and European Criminal Law from Coimbra University.
Júlia Maria D'Andréa Greve
Physiatrist Doctor, bachelor from São Paulo´s Santa Casa de Misericordia Medical Sciences Faculty (1975). Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from Brazilian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. MD and PhD from University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine's Department of Medical Clinic. Professor at the same faculty’s Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Works in scientific research projects in the fields of epidemiology and prevention of traffic accidents provoked by alcohol. Coordinated, during 4 years, Urgent Life Program São Paulo, directed at instructing young people on drinking and driving issues. Coordinator of HC in Movement Program, directed at avoiding trauma.
Clystenes Odyr Soares Silva
Bachelor of Medicine from Pernambuco Federal University (1975) and PhD in Medicine (pneumology) from Federal University of São Paulo (1984). Associate Professor of Pneumology at São Paulo School of Medicine - Federal University of São Paulo. Expert in: DPOC, asthma, respiratory infections and acute breathing insufficiency. Former IEP Scientific Coordinator at Sao Camilo Hospital and Maternity.
Conceição Aparecida de Mattos Segre
Bachelor of Medicine from University of São Paulo (1954). PhD in Pediatrics from São Paulo School of Medicine. Former President of the São Paulo Pediatric Society and vice-president of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics. Member of Pediatrics Academy and of São Paulo Pediatric Academy. Editor of the books: “RN (NewBorn)”, “Pediatrics: basic directives and organization of services”, “Basic Manual of Vascular Accesses” and “Perinatology: fundamentals and practice”. She has been granted the title of International Pioneer in Neonatology by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Coordinator of São Paulo Pediatric Society´s Study Group on the Effects of Alcohol in Pregnant Women, Fetuses and Newborns. Coordinator of Brazilian Pediatric Society Campaigns.
Henrique Soares Carneiro
Historian, Professor of Modern History at University of São Paulo, coordinator of the Laboratory of Historical Studies on Drugs and Food (LEHDA), member of the ADHS (Alcohol and Drugs History Society).
Janaina Soares
Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Nursing of the School of Nursing of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (ENA/UFMG), current Head of the Department of Applied Nursing (ENA) of the EE/UFMG, research member of the Center for Studies and Research in Nursing in Addictions - Alcohol & other drugs and Mental Health (NEPEASM)-CNPq of the Department of Maternal Child and Psychiatric Nursing of the EEUSP (CNPq) and research member of the Center for Studies and Research on Mental Health, Alcohol and other Drugs, of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). PhD in Science from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo - EEUSP, area of Health Care (Nursing in alcohol and other drug addictions), Master in Science from the School of Nursing of the University of São Paulo - EEUSP, area of Health Care (Psychiatric Nursing), Specialist in Chemical Dependency, Specialist in Occupational Nursing, graduated in Nursing from the Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR. She has experience in the areas of Mental Health, child and adolescent mental health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Brief Intervention and Nursing in addictions - alcohol and other drugs.
Lúcio Garcia de Oliveira
Bachelor of Biology in Medicine Studies from Federal University of São Paulo. Bachelor of Psychology from Paulistano University Center. Neuropsychologist from Center of Psycho-surgery Studies, Hospital das Clínicas, and specialist in Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy from "Anxiety Program” of the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo. MD and PhD in Sciences from Federal University of São Paulo Psycho-biology Department. Post-doctoral degree from the Institute of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Received a FAPESP scholarship during 2012-2015, to do research in the University of São Paulo Department of Legal Medicine, Medicine Ethics, and Social Medicine. Nowadays, is Psychology Analyst at Dr. Fernando Mauro Pires da Rocha City Hospital, and Coordinator of Psychotherapy Supervision at the Medical Residency Program of the Faculty of Medicine of ABC. Referee at the following scientific magazines: BMC Public Health, Traffic Injury & Prevention, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, Revista de Saúde Pública, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Revista de Psiquiatria Clínica, Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão, Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde e Arquivos Médicos de Ciências em Saúde. Former “adhoc advisor” at FAPESP (The São Paulo Research Foundation). Researcher in the fields of epidemiology, cognitive evaluation, neuropsychology, alcohol and drugs abuse and addiction.
Wang Yuan-Pang
Psychiatrist, Medical Residency, MD and PhD from Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. Former Professor of Psychiatry at Santo Amaro University. Nowadays, works as medicine doctor at Hospital das Clínicas Institute of Psychiatry, as PhD supervisor at the Department of Psychiatry of the University of São Paulo, and as researcher at the Nucleus for Psychiatric Epidemiology, a program of the Laboratory of Psychopharmacology and Clinical Psychophysiology at University of São Paulo. Member of Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology, and World Psychiatric Association - Epidemiology and Public Health Section. Scientific Counselor at the Information Center on Alcohol and Health since 2012. Associate editor at BMC Public Health, BMC Psychiatry and Frontiers in Psychiatry. Reviewer in more than 50 scientific magazines. Researcher in the fields of epidemiology of non communicable diseases, epidemiologic investigations in culturally diverse and minority populations, application of multivariate latent models in psychiatry.
Wilson Catapani
Gastroenterology Medicine Doctor. MD and PhD in Gastroenterology from Paulista School of Medicine. Postdoc in immunology from Edinburgh University, Scotland. Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology. Tenured Professor of Gastroenterology at the Faculty of Medicine of ABC.
Silvio José Morais
Manager from Parana Faculty of Management and Foreign Trade. Specialization in Finance from the same university. Executive MBA from Parana Catholic University. MBA in Controllership from FIPECAFI-USP. More than 20 years of experience in finance at Brahma and AmBev. Nowadays, is Corporate Controller at AmBev.
Caetano Aparecido Bianchi
Technical Education in Accounting. MBA from FIA - University of São Paulo Foundation Institute of Management. Accounting Manager at Antarctica Group, where he worked 5 years as Financial Superintendent, 10 years as General Superintend, and is actually Governance Advisor at Antonio and Helena Zerrenner Foundation.
Eduardo Carvalho de Paoli
Bachelor of Business from Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (2001), MBA in Business from IBMEC (2010). He started his career as Assistant in Deloitte & Touche, where he rose to Audit Manager (2000-2007). He has been working at AmBev for more than 14 years, where he is currently Head of Finance in Brazil.