Versão em Português


Risks of alcohol consumption vary according to age, being higher for young people according to a study by The Lancet.

Peer pressure can lead young people to drink too much alcohol.

Alcohol consumption among young people raises concern among health professionals

Chronic alcohol use causes damage to various organs in the human body. But, by stopping drinking, is it possible to recover the function of the affected organs?


A recent study evaluated the effects of a substance present in hallucinogenic mushrooms on heavy alcohol use.


Alcohol is associated with absenteeism and presenteeism in the workplace, new studies show.

A study showed that people who consumed light and moderate alcoholic beverages had a reduced risk of developing heart disease caused by stress.


Learn how alcohol consumption, especially heavy and chronic consumption, may be related to reduced female fertility

Advances in the health area and the implementation of preventive measures for HIV infection have reduced the detection of new cases of seropositive patients

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