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Brazilian Study Highlights the Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Suicide in São Paulo Metro area

27 Março 2025

Brazilian Study Highlights the Relationship Between Alcohol Consumption and Suicide in São Paulo Metro area

The harmful use of alcohol is a known risk factor for various forms of impulsive and violent behavior, including suicide. An observational study conducted in Brazil analyzed the relationship between blood alcohol levels and suicide cases in towns of the São Paulo metropolitan area, revealing associations between alcohol consumption and suicide deaths.

A recent study (1) with data from the Forensic Medical Institute of the State of São Paulo (IML-SP) and published in the journal Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology investigated the relationship between alcohol consumption and suicides in four municipalities of Greater São Paulo: Franco da Rocha, Caieiras, Mairiporã, and Francisco Morato. The research analyzed data from 805 autopsies performed between 2001 and 2017, of which 41 cases were identified as suicides. The aim was to assess the presence of alcohol in the blood of the individuals and its possible influence on the suicidal act.

The results showed that 92.68% of the suicide victims had elevated blood alcohol concentrations (above 0.3 mg/dl), with particularly high averages in cases of hanging (2.3 mg/ml). Furthermore, the data indicated that most of the victims were male (85.36%), predominantly young adults aged 18 to 23 years. Among women, the most affected age group was 12 to 23 years, highlighting a concerning pattern of vulnerability among adolescents.

The researchers also observed that the use of more lethal methods, such as firearms and sharp objects, was associated with higher blood alcohol levels. These findings support the hypothesis that harmful alcohol consumption can increase impulsivity and lower inhibitions against self-destructive behavior.

Based on the findings, some recommendations are important:

  • Prevention and Awareness: Suicide prevention programs should include strategies to address harmful alcohol use, especially among adolescents and young adults, who are at higher risk.
  • Restriction of Access to Lethal Means: Measures such as controlling access to firearms, pesticides, and neurotropic medications can reduce the lethality of methods used in suicide attempts.
  • Use of Peripheral Biomarkers: Screening individuals with suicidal ideation using peripheral biomarkers (biological substances in body fluids that indicate physiological processes, diseases, or responses to treatments) can be a valuable tool to identify those at risk.
  • Protection in Public Spaces: Structures such as viaducts and bridges should be designed with safety measures to prevent intentional falls.

These recommendations are particularly relevant for regions with high socio-economic inequality, where alcohol consumption and suicide rates tend to be higher. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that the prevention of harmful alcohol use is an important factor that can significantly contribute to reducing suicide rates.



  1. Miziara, I.D., Miziara, C.S.M.G. Suicide victims and alcohol-related consumption in Brazil: An observational study and a narrative review of the literature. Forensic Science, Medicine and Pathology , 2023.

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