Versão em Português

How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?

11 Dezembro 2006

Drunkenness is a subjective state that occurs when alcohol causes changes in mental functions and behavior.


  The exact definition of the number of drinks needed to achieve it can vary, since alcohol is a substance that acts in the body not only according to the amount ingested, but also according to the biological sex, body mass and alcohol metabolism of the person who drinks.

Despite this variability, there are recommendations on patterns of consumption and number of drinks that can be harmful to one’s health, and that go beyond the limits of moderate drinking. In particular, the notion of “Heavy Episodic Drinking” (HED), which is defined by WHO as the consumption of 60 g or more of pure alcohol (about 4 drinks) on at least one occasion in the last month. This behavior is related to a greater risk of immediate harm, such as alcoholic amnesia, falls, involvement in fights, traffic accidents, unprotected sex and alcohol intoxication. If frequent, HED can increase the negative impact of alcohol on several organs and systems, especially: gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, nervous system and cardiovascular system.

The following table provides an estimated correlation between blood alcohol concentration (BAC), number of drinks consumed and effects on the body, considering individual variables (genetic vulnerability, weight, height, metabolism and sex).

Additional Info

  • Referências:

    Kerr WC, Greenfield TK, Midanik LT. How many drinks does it take you to feel drunk? Trends and predictors for subjective drunkenness. Addiction. 2006 Oct;101(10):1428-37. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01533.x. PMID: 16968344.

  • Autor(es): William C. Kerr, Thomas K. Greenfield & Lorraine T. Midanik
  • Fator de impacto da revista: 3.102
  • D.O.I.: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01533.x
  • Título(s) original(is): How many drinks does it take you to feel drunk? Trends and predictors for subjective drunkenness
  • Fonte:

    Addiction, 101, 1428-1437, 2006

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