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How demographic changes in Brazil impact health and excessive alcohol use

27 Junho 2024

How demographic changes in Brazil impact health and excessive alcohol use


Population aging, an unprecedented global phenomenon, has become a major public health concern, significantly impacting disease epidemiology and placing a burden on healthcare systems. A recent study revealed that in 2017, 51% of the global burden of disease in adults was age-related, especially cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms [1]. Aging can lead to progressive loss of physical, mental and cognitive integrity, resulting in impaired functions and greater vulnerability to disease and death.


Using data from 2000 to 2020, the study "Demographic shifts and health dynamics: Exploring the impact of aging rates on health outcomes in Brazilian capitals" [2] investigated the relationship between demographic changes, particularly population aging, and health outcomes in Brazilian capitals. The study explores how population aging and other socioeconomic variables influence health indicators, such as mortality from chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and hospitalizations for “primary care sensitive conditions” (PCSC), that is, health conditions that can be treated in basic health units and which, if they are not available, can lead to hospitalization; a common example of PCSC is hypertension.


The results showed that among men, population aging rates were associated with greater occurrences of excess weight and diabetes, while in women, several factors, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, hypertension, diabetes and obesity, were associated with higher rates of population aging.


The increase observed in population aging rates in all Brazilian regions, mainly in the South and Southeast, reflects an intense demographic transformation. Capitals with a greater aging population also have higher rates of mortality from NCDs and hospitalizations from  PCSC. Health inequalities between Brazilian capitals are also increasing, with poorer cities experiencing worse health outcomes.


This trend reflects global patterns already highlighted by the United Nations, indicating potential strains on public health and healthcare systems as populations age. Implementing public health policies aimed at meeting the needs of the elderly population is a major challenge in this scenario. With the expansion of the elderly population, there will be an increase in demand for health services. Social security systems may also face pressure as the disparity between workers and retirees widens. Political preparation is essential to face these issues. Investments in preventive health care for seniors, along with workforce development initiatives, can help alleviate the impact of an aging population.



Chang, A. Y., Skirbekk, V. F., Tyrovolas, S., Kassebaum, N. J., & Dieleman, J. L. (2019). Measuring population ageing: An analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet Public Health, 4(3), e159–e167.

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