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A recent study evaluated the effects of a substance present in hallucinogenic mushrooms on heavy alcohol use.

What are the main treatments for alcoholism?


There are several treatment options for recovering from alcoholism, but it is necessary to obtain medical advice to identify which is most suitable for the patient.


Alcohol dependence is a complex condition that affects millions of people around the world, harming the physical and mental health of the person with this condition, as well as their interpersonal relationships. However, despite the harmful effects of alcoholism, recovery is possible when the process is carried out through appropriate treatment.


But what types of treatment are available for people diagnosed with alcohol dependence?


Although some believe that treatment is only possible through Alcoholics Anonymous or by controlling alcohol consumption at home, there are other options that are offered in different settings and that can be highly effective.




Main treatment options


Psychotherapeutic treatment


Psychotherapy is important in the treatment of alcoholism because it addresses underlying emotional issues, allowing us to understand what leads the addict to abuse alcoholic beverages and learn how to deal with problems without resorting to these substances. Furthermore, it is a fundamental aid in preventing relapses and creating a sober and healthy life plan. Counting on the aid of a therapist can help develop strategies for coping with the disease.


Among psychotherapeutic treatments, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually highly recommended for disorders related to alcohol abuse, as it emphasizes the relationship between thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Through CBT, it is possible to deconstruct preconceived thoughts, such as “I'm just going to drink a little, then I'll stop” or “if I don't drink, I won't be able to relax”, among others.

Pharmacological treatment


In addition to psychotherapeutic interventions, there are medications that can assist in treatment, reducing the desire to drink and anxiety, and relieving withdrawal symptoms when the person stops or reduces alcohol intake.


Three drugs, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are used as the basis of treatments: disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate.


  • Disulfiram is an enzyme inhibitor that causes adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting and even seizures if used in conjunction with alcohol consumption. Thus, it causes the addict to create an aversion to alcoholic beverages due to these effects.
  • Naltrexone acts as an antagonist at opioid receptors, reducing the pleasurable effects of alcohol, cravings and feelings of euphoria caused by the substance.
  • Acamprosate acts by reducing glutamate-induced calcium uptake, suppressing conditioned responses to alcohol and alleviating withdrawal symptoms.


It is important to emphasize that these medications should always be used under medical advice.

Mutual aid groups


Mutual aid groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), are popular among those who want recovery and are a good way to get support, especially for people with spiritual inclinations or those who cannot afford medical treatment or are unable to access public treatments.

Family therapy


Alcohol dependence affects not only the alcoholic, but everyone around them, which is why the family can also – and should – resort to therapeutic support in order to better understand the disease, its symptoms and consequences, as well as receive guidance on the best way of dealing with the addict and his/her dependency.


Often, the family “gets sick” with the person with alcohol dependence, which is why family support is essential so that everyone can get support to better understand the disease and deal with the condition throughout the recovery process.


It is worth remembering that the family plays a very important role in treatment and recovery, as it is they who will help the alcoholic to adhere to and remain in treatment, as well as to overcome difficulties and establish a new lifestyle.

Physical activity


According to research (1), practicing physical activity can reduce the risk of mortality and reduce imbalances caused by alcohol, such as changes in sleep, muscle weakness, irritability and low self-esteem. Furthermore, practicing sports provides more interaction and contact with other people, which can help prevent relapses.

How to identify the best treatment option?


Just as there are a diversity of treatment options, there are also different profiles of people with alcohol dependence, which is why seeking help from medical professionals is the best way to identify the disease and be redirected to the most appropriate treatment. These professionals are the ones who will be able to carry out a detailed and multidisciplinary assessment to understand the alcoholic's profile, consumption patterns, whether the dependence is due to emotional, physical or interpersonal problems, and other issues.


This means that when it comes to treatment, there is no single option that fits everyone, and what works for one patient may not work for another.



1 Hallgren, M., Vancampfort, D., Giesen, E. S., Lundin, A., & Stubbs, B. (2017). Exercise as treatment for alcohol use disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. British journal of sports medicine, 51(14), 1058–1064.


Rangé BP, Marlatt GA. Terapia cognitivo-comportamental de transtornos de abuso de álcool e drogas. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. 2008;30(SUPPL. 2):s88-s95. doi:10.1590/S1516-44462008000600006

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). What to Know about Alcohol Treatment.

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