Versão em Português

In addition to alcoholism, binge drinking among women may increase the risk of other health problems.

Researchers present the possibility of inserting the concept of "pre-addiction" as an alert to the population about the risk of developing dependence on alcohol and drugs.

Consuming alcoholic beverages right after exercising can directly harm all muscle recovery.

A study published by the journal Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology brings an alert about the increased incidence of cancer in adults under 50 years old.

The term "Chemsex" refers to the use of psychoactive substances before or during sexual activity to facilitate, initiate, prolong and intensify the sexual act.

Alcoholism among women

Fevereiro 03, 2023

Understand the individualities of treatment for alcohol use in relation to women's health.

Research seeks to understand whether it is possible to use cell phone applications to treat disorders related to alcohol use.

See how mood can be affected after a night of drinking.

A curious study seeks to analyze how beauty can affect alcohol consumption by young people

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