Versão em Português

Study found a correlation between decreased brain volume and alcohol consumption. Read our text to better understand what this means!

Pink October is a month dedicated to prevention and awareness of breast cancer. Understand how harmful alcohol consumption can be related to the disease.

Blue November, a men's health awareness and prevention campaign. Find out how prostate cancer can be influenced by alcohol consumption.

Are there differences between deaths related to harmful alcohol consumption between the richest country in the world, the United States, and Brazil?

During festivities, the risk of consuming illegal alcohol increases. Check out some guidelines to avoid this danger.

Infertility affects more than 45 million couples worldwide. Lifestyle factors such as weight, diet, alcohol consumption and smoking can affect fertility and the chance of having children (1).


Young people are replacing ordinary cigarettes for electronic cigarettes because they believe they are less harmful.

A study points to possible associations between the microbiome-gut-brain axis and alcohol compulsion by young heavy drinkers.

With the increasing popularity of non-alcoholic beers, the question arises about what role they play in the habit of consuming alcohol: do they serve as substitutes or as a gateway to drinks with a higher alcohol content?

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